HPV Immunisations
Thursday 7 September St Nicholas School
Tuesday 9 January St Nicholas School at Canterbury Academy
tbc St Nicholas School at Spires Academy




Flu Immunisation
Tuesday 26 September  St Nicholas School at Parkside Primary 
Wednesday 4 October  St Nicholas School 
Wednesday 4 October  St Nicholas School at Spires Academy
Thursday 2 November  St Nicholas School at St Johns Primary
Tuesday 21 November   St Nicholas School at Canterbury Primary 
Tuesday 21 November  St Nicholas School at Canterbury Academy 
Tuesday 28 November St Nicholas School at Chartham Primary 









You will not be able to complete the online form until nearer the time.

How do parents/carers access the online form? 

We ask that parents/carers go to: www.kentcht.nhs.uk/imms scroll down and click on the blue button labelled “Child vaccination form” to complete the form. The online form can be translated into other languages using a clickable button at the bottom of the web page.

Please contact the immunisation term, on the details below, if you have any questions.

Telephone: 0300 123 5205
Email: mailto:kchft.cyp-immunisationteam@nhs.net
Website: www.kentcht.nhs.uk/imms